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Best Drinking Games & Top Rated Drinking Game Ideas in 2025

Please drink responsibly and save lives by choosing not to drink and drive!
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Best Drinking Games of All Time

Best drinking games of all time revisited in 2025. Every year we review the top three drinking games of all time and these three drinking games have withstood the test of time to claim their spots at the top!

List of the Best Drinking Game Ideas 

Need more drinking games ideas that are proven to provide a great time? Look no further, this list of 10 best drinking game ideas are sure to take your party or gathering to the next level!

Bite the Bag Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
Holding your balance gets tough when you get a few drinks in ya, and it just got harder. Try this fun drinking game that is sure to get some laughs as it tests your balance and flexibility...
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Taboo Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
Get creative with this drinking game and catch people slipping to make them drink. Fun add-on game that requires some awareness and can be played throughout the night to keep people drinking...
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Players Needed: 2 or more
The Egyptians built some of the most amazing wonders in the world: the pyramids. Today we're going to do the same but on a simpler level with lots of drinking. Grab a deck of cards and some friends this game is lots of fun and keeps people guessing...
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Most Likely To Drinking Game

Players Needed: 3 or more
Inherited from the game Most Likely To, this game adds a drinking twist to the original. Fun to play with your best friends or new people you just met to get to know them better...
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Sam Yuk Gu (3, 6, 9) Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
Sam Yuk Gu is a Korean drinking game that does not require any materials. All you have to do is count. And we can all do that since the first grade, right?This drinking game is all about good concentration...
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Ring of Fire Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
A twist on the kings drinking game with more drinking! Fun game that will test people’s control and accuracy with a high drinking factor...
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Roxanne Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
Very easy to play drinking game that is sure to get the drinks flowing and doesn’t require much prep or materials. Great for your party or friends gathering...
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Seven Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
Seven, or sevens, is a simple but fun drinking game that can be played at your party or gathering without any extra effort or materials. The more people that play and drink, the higher the chance someone will mess up...
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Flip Cup Drinking Game

Players Needed: 4 or more
Very fun game for parties that involves challenging other players and quick drinking for everyone involved. Test your drinking and cup flipping skills to become the champions...
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Kings Cup Drinking Game

Players Needed: 2 or more
One of the more popular drinking games that can easily be played with a deck of cards. Who will be the lucky person to be awarded the king's cup with all its glory...
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