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How to Play Bite the Bag Drinking Game & Rules

Hilarious drinking game which is even more fun to watch. Begin by placing the brown paper bag on the floor. Players take turns trying to reach down and attempt to pick up the bag with their mouths. However, the rule is that the only thing allowed to touch the ground is your feet and the only thing allowed to touch the paper bag is your mouth.

Whenever anyone fails they must chug a beer or take a shot. To make things more interesting, after every round you can make the bag smaller by cutting off an inch from the top and playing again.

How to Play Best Sucker Challenge Drinking Game & Rules

Another hilariously fun drinking game. Begin by filling each baby bottle with your choice of alcohol (beer or liquor). Everyone leaves their bottle on the table and one person counts down from 3. On the count of 1 everyone begins sucking on their baby bottle and tries to finish their bottle first. The first person to finish their bottle is the SUCKING CHAMPION and gets to give out three shots however they want. The last person to finish must also take three shots for him/herself.

Nipples come in different sizes so make sure to get the same size for everyone, also do not get the newborn ones as that will take too long (check on the package for the nipple size).

How to Play Drinking Dice & Game Rules

Begin the game by rolling the die. The first person to go must now roll the die and match that exact number by rolling the exact number, or by rolling two or three times to add up to that number. Each person gets up to three rolls to try to match the number rolled by the previous player. If they do not make it then they must drink. The next player to the left must roll the last number rolled. Simple and fun drinking game.

How to Play Dictator Drinking Game & Rules

Begin play by having all players draw a card. The player with the highest card is the dictator. The dictator then announces some card-based condition(s) and deals out as many cards as he likes (try to keep it less than 5 per player). For every card a player has that meets the announced conditions, they take a drink. The dictator is also dealt a hand of cards, except giving, rather than taking drinks. After dealing, the dictatorship passes to the left.

Some conditions examples: all odd cards, all red cards, etc (as always, be creative). Conditions can be combined. For example: if the conditions are all red cards drink once, all even cards drink once, and all aces drink twice, then a player with the ace of hearts would drink four times (face cards are Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, and Ace=14).

Variation: The dictator can use other non-card based conditions as they want. This is the reason and rationale of being a dictator, to change the rules as you please and keep the game interesting.

View our collection of drinking card games

How to Play Drug Dealer Drinking Game & Rules

This is a game to play while doing other things at a party. To play the game you need one playing card for each participant. You always need one King and one Ace, and a variety of numbered cards some low, some mid, some high, but just one card per player.

The cards are dealt face down, take a quick peek. The person who gets the King is the cop, the person who gets the ace is the drug dealer, everyone else is a bystander.

It is the drug dealers job to very VERY discreetly wink at another player, this person while eventually say ‘the deal has been made.’ At this time the cop identifies him/herself and tries to figure out who the dealer is. The cop chooses a player, if wrong the cop drinks the number shown on the card, and then chooses again, if wrong again, he drinks the number on that card. When the cop chooses correctly, the drug dealer drinks the NUMBER OF CARDS remaining NOT the total of the numbers on the cards.

After that, the cards are redealt and the game goes on.

This is a great game for when people don’t feel like playing a game because it’s the regular socializing that helps disguise any winks and keep the cop on his/her toes. However, it helps a lot if the players sit in a circle while playing, and not spread around a room.

Obviously, if you want to increase the boot factor then play with high numbered cards.

How to Play Ring of Fire Drinking Game

Everyone sits around a table and the empty beer bottle is placed in the middle of the table. Keep the cards face down and spread them out in a circle around the empty beer bottle. The game starts with the person to the left of the dealer picking up a card and performs rules of the card mentioned below. Once the task is performed, for example picking up a three has the “me” drinking rule (see below) so you would have to drink three seconds, then that person will have to put the card on top of the empty beer bottle.

The next person does the same thing and after the rule is performed places the card on top of the empty beer bottle. This goes on until someone knocks the cards off the top of the empty beer bottle. Whoever knocks the cards off has to finish their drink.

If someone hits the table or in any way knocks the cards off the empty beer bottle they will have to finish their drink.

Ring of Fire Drinking Game Card Rules:

(Same rules for all suites, we just used hearts for illustration purposes)

Ace of HeartsWaterfall – everyone starts chugging at the same time. The person who picked up the card can stop whenever they want then the next person has the same option and so on until the last player
Two of HeartsThe classic “you” – pick anyone in the game to drink
Three of HeartsMe – person who picked up this card has to drink for three seconds
Four of HeartsFour for whores – all the ladies have to drink
Five of HeartsJive – whoever picked this card has to bust a dance move then the next person has to add onto it and so on until someone messes up and they have to drink
Six of HeartsDicks – all the guys have to drink
Seven of HeartsHeaven – Everyone has to point to the sky and the last person to do so has to drink
Eight of HeartsMate – whoever picked this card gets to choose one person that has to drink every time they do
Nine of HeartsBust a rhyme – the person who picked this card has to say a word and the next person has to try to rhyme with it. This goes on until someone cannot think of a word that rhymes
Ten of HeartsCategory – the person who picked this card chooses a category. The next person has to say something that is relevant to the category that the first person picked and this goes around until someone cannot think of something. A good example is sex positions
Jack of HeartsThumb Master – the person who picked this card is now the thumb master. Until somebody else gets a jack they can put their thumb anywhere on their forhead at any time and the last person to do the same has to drink
Queen of HeartsQuestion Master – whoever picked this card is the question master. Until somebody else picks a queen – they can ask any question and if someone answers them they have to drink
King of HeartsMake a rule – the person who picked this card can make any one rule and it has to be followed until someone else gets a king. Whoever breaks a rule has to drink. The first three people to get a king have to pour their drinks into the cup in the middle. The last person to get a king has to drink the middle cup.

The rules for this game are very similar to the popular drinking game kings cup rules.